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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sunburst Pageant

Sunburst was holding a local pageant at the mall near my daughters house. I've put my daughter and sons in pageants when they were little. Of course it was more for me, but they really enjoyed it. By the time they turned 2ish I stopped.

My daughter and her husband decided that it might be fun for their son to be in it. He LOVES other children and  has the most outgoing personality that I have ever seen in a child. They decided that we would see how he felt the day of the pageant and if he wasn't sick or tired from having a bad night then we would go. Also, when we would get to the mall, if it seemed to be too much for him then we would leave. 

The day came and he was as happy as ever. They put him in his outfit from Christmas and off we went. When we got to the mall we walked around for a bit and he loved watching all the kids that had entered in it. He was just having a blast. He was in the 4th group to come up to the stage. When it was his turn to go on the stage he was a little shy at first but after about 10 seconds his personality really showed. He waved at each judge and starting waving to the whole crowd. Then he started blowing kisses while twirling around. He was just having so much fun being the center of attention. His father and I were standing behind the judges because we thought maybe it would help him see us and wave at us, but he didn't even notice we were there!! 


  1. hello I am your newest follower you can find my blog annies home at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  2. Hi Thank you for following Hayden Coupon Mom! Following back!

  3. What a great memory and story! My turn, when my son was four, now he's 24, we entered him in a strong man contest on 4th of July, we showed him how to flex is muscles and make a growling face, he won! Want to hear another? Well, if you insist:)

    Halloween 3rd grade, same son, dressed him as little bo peep, he won, they really thought the cute little girl had won :)

    Thanks for getting me started, love your stories!

  4. Thanks for following my blog!

    I am following you back!

    - The Professionally Insane M

  5. Thanks for stopping by Harvest For Tomorrow. I am your newest follower.

  6. Your grandsons sounds like he has a natural talent, maybe commercials are next? Never had any pageants when mine were small, and don't know of any where my grands are? thanks for stopping & following. Following back, nice to meet another grand :)

  7. Newest GFC follower:
    My blog is http://raisingthreesavvyladies.blogspot.com


    I'm from NYC - Looking forward to you visiting Raising Three Savvy Ladies!

  8. Loved that story. My grandson told his mother last week, "I'm trying hard to be humble because it pleases Jesus." Ha! Aren't they just grandblessings?!!

    New follower from Friendly Wednesday.

  9. following back from Mommy's Peanut Gallery :)

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  12. Hello! New follower, I miss my children being small but I guess in a few years I will have grandchildren! Stop by my blog http://sewchicblogdesign.blogspot.com/ when you have time!

  13. Hi!:) Following you from a Wed. blog hop. Would love to have your link in my free blog directory!http://theblogentourage.blogspot.com

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  16. Hi! That is funny and cute - - I can just imagine my nephew doing the same thing - - and I can imagine how much I would be laughing/tear-ing up(a little) because I would be so proud about his personality and style!! Great post!
    Thanks for visiting "Mrs. No-No Knows"! I am now following you back! :) Hope you will stop back often and put in your two cents.
    Carla aka Mrs. No-No
    Mrs. No-No Knows

  17. How fun! He sounds like such a sweetheart! We love pageants :) Following from http://americasgorgeousgirls.blogspot.com

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