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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Toddler Entertainment During A Blizzard

Keeping a toddler busy when we can't get outside is not a simple task. After being snowed in for a few days we get tired of the same old things. Young children get bored even quicker than we do. So during this last blizzard we had to come up with a few ideas for a bored toddler. 

First, we started with a messy idea. Put a kettle of warm water on the kitchen floor (on a towel). Add a slotted spoon and some floating toys. You can also use a soup ladle and another pot or bowl to allow transferring water. We stayed with the slotted spoon and toys because it seemed to be less messy. This activity kept my grandson busy for nearly an hour. The only disadvantage to this activity was the water got cold. We changed the water when needed to prevent him getting a chill. 

Coloring was next. A toddler and crayons is not always a great idea. The obvious drawback is your walls make a great drawing surface. One minute with a crayon and his paper was abandon with glee. His little toddler feet ran lickety split to the nearest wall. We quickly put him in the highchair and let him enjoy marking each page in his first coloring book. The not so obvious problem might be a toddler wanting to eat the crayon.
My grandson does not normally put non food objects in his mouth. But, the crayons must have looked yummy. He tried to taste them which we of course interrupted.  It may have been the fact that he was in the highchair where he is used to eating.     

Then we tried puzzles and books. This was not very entertaining. 

When all else fails make cookies. We had a blast. I mixed a batch of sugar cookies while mommy and son played mixing flour, water, and salt (play dough). Armed with a rolling pin and plastic cookie cutters made this a great hour of fun.

Hope you had fun and kept warm during the blizzard. 


  1. I'm a new follower from Say Hi Sunday!

  2. Hello there Grandma Bonnie! You have such a cute site!

    Thanks for the neat ideas next time we are snowed in/stuck at home! I am gonna have to try that pot on a towel thing.

    Thanks for linking up with Say Hi Sunday. I am now following you back.
    Mommy Head

  3. I'm a new follower from Say Hi Sunday. I'd love for you to visit my blog and follow back.


  4. Sounds like fun! :)

    Following you from a hop :)


  5. Hi, I am a new follower on your site....I found you through the Relax and Surf Sunday Hop!
    Hope you can follow me back at http://www.klscupboard.com!
    I'm looking forward to reading more.

  6. Hi, I'm came by way of Say Hi Sunday blog hop. I'm a new follower and look forward to reading your posts.

    If you have a chance please stop by and follow us also.

    Happy Sunday,

  7. Following from Relax and Surf

  8. Hi Gradma Bonnie =)
    I'm your newest follower =)
    You can find me at;Sockertussen

  9. I'm following you back. Thanks for following me.

  10. These are great ideas! I am a new follower from the blog hop!


  11. New follower from Relax and surf Sunday. Please come by and check out my blog. http://realadventuresfromamomof3.blogspot.com/

  12. Groovy greetings and salutations~!!

    GFC follow *heavensent1* from Swinging By Sunday...ifn you have a moment, please stop by my place, ifn you have a moment and have yourself a look around ~ Mad Moose Mama ~ http://www.madmoosemama.blogspot.com ~ Have yourself a groovy day...peaces...xoxo

  13. I LOVE this. You're my kind of lady. My toddler and I are going to make cookies now! ;)

    I found you through the blog hop.

    I'm following. ;)


  14. Hi, I'm your new follower from the blog hop. Nice blog! :) Please visit me and follow me on both my blogs.

  15. Hi, I'm new to your blog. Found it through the say hi Sunday blog hop. Following through GFC

  16. You certainly came up with some great ideas. My grandchildren live in Maryland and I am in Alabama, so if I ever get to see them, I will remember these tips.

    I followed you from the blog hop

  17. Thank you so much for following me back! I really appreciate it!

  18. I'm your newest follower from Relax and Surf Sunday Blog Hop. I'm also following via Networked Blogs. If you get a minute please stop by my blog and follow back.

    Have a good night,

  19. It sounds like you had a great time just trying to find something to do!

    I am a new follower, I am glad I found your blog and I look forward to reading more!
