............................................Welcome To Grandma Bonnie's Closet.............................................

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Going Home For A Little Vacation!

Grandma is going home for a short but deserved vacation. At least I think it's deserved. What I really meant by vacation is I am going home to get some work done around the house. That sounds like a fun vacation right? I need to weed some flower beds. Stain the new deck that grandpa just built and maybe even clean the chicken coop. That all sounds like a fun vacation now doesn't that! You see I babysit my grandson in another state so it's like having a full time job away from home. I get home a weekend or two during the month but this time it's going to be a whole week. Yay! Now you can guess how busy I am. Grandpa on the other hand is just as busy. He is taking care of our home, babysits our second grandson, and has a full time job on the side.  Now to the vacation part. While taking care of my grandson is a pleasure I love being out doors so going home and working out side for a week will be a nice change. This week while I am gone from my blogging world I have lined up two guest post for my bloggy friends. I might stop back in for a bit but I will be out more than in for sure.  Please enjoy their posts and stop over to check out their blogs. Hope you all have a great week.


  1. It is very nice to meet you thanks for stopping by and following...
    Have a great vacation!

  2. Enjoy your vacation working at home :) I am a new follower. Thanks for following me as well.

  3. Enjoy your vacation. I'm glad the vB gave us the chance to meet. :)

  4. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog.
    Have fun and enjoy your day.

    Btw, I'm your newest follower via GFC.
    See you around.


  5. My Heavens! You have a very full plate. I would be exhausted. Enjoy your vacation!

  6. Found you at Mumsy's .......WOW.....you are one busy grandma!!

    Enjoy your little respite.



  7. Thanks for stopping by simple-homemaking. My you have a full plate don't you! I hope you have a wonderful "vactaion". :)



  8. Hi there :)
    Im blog hoppin and hopped by here :)
    This is compliments of the vB Grow your GFC Hop.
    Nice to meet you. Im enjoying your blog.
    Enjoy your vacation. Please stop by when you have a chance :)
    Anne from Good Steward Savers! :)

  9. Hi, I'm a new follower from VB.

  10. Thank you for the follow, I am following you back from http://shandassweepsandfreebies.blogspot.com/

  11. Have a great week away and may your garden thrive from it!

  12. Happy Vacation...I'd love to come help you clean out the chicken coop!

  13. Happy to find you - Following from vB hop - hope you will check us out at www.twinswithtots.blogspot.com
    have a great day
    Cathy and Becca

  14. Enjoy your break :) Thanks for stopping by and following!

  15. You sound like a wonderful grandma! I hope you have a great vacation. Thanks for stopping by my site!

  16. I hope you are having a great time at home. Enjoy your time.

  17. I hope you are having a great time at home. Enjoy your time.

  18. Wow, sounds like you (and your husband) are busy! Your family is lucky to have you! :)

    Your site is very neat (following now), and your grandkids are precious. I'm looking forward to looking around it more. :)


  19. Hello there, thanks for dropping by my blog. :) I hope you have a great homecoming vacation! :)

  20. So glad to find you as a result of Relax and Surf Sunday. Look forward to reading more. Have a beautiful weekend!

