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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Tree is Up! Just a Little Early.

This is the first time in my life as far back as I can remember that our tree is up before Thanksgiving. I have always been a firm believer that Christmas follows Thanksgiving. We do not hurry through Thanksgiving. This is our family time and we really are very thankful for our blessings. So, I have the entire family amazed that our tree went up early. I am only home a week and I wanted Thanksgiving weekend to be family time spent together. I was worried I would spend more time with the decorations and tree trimming than my family. I can now say I am happy that Thanksgiving day will be spent enjoying family time. 

I am happy with the tree even though I did not put on any of my favorite ornaments. My grandchildren will be playing with and taking apart the tree so no glass or keepsakes are on the tree this year.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. 


  1. It's lovely!
    We're getting a little pre-deocrated tree this year. since Hubby isn't here it just feel like Christmas, plus we don't know if we're moving in the middle of the month or at the end of the month...so much fun :0)

  2. My Daughter has been itching to get her tree up too. Me, I would rather not mess with a tree because we are hardly ever home, especially during the holidays.

  3. It's so pretty!!! I am waiting as long as I can to put mine up, Abby knocked ours over more than a few times last year and we had a lot of broken ornaments. I think I will do like you this year and not put any breakable ornaments on our tree this year.
