............................................Welcome To Grandma Bonnie's Closet.............................................

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hair or No Hair?

I have a new grandchild on it's way in just a few weeks. I am so excited that I can hardly think of anything else. Now, I have four lovely sweet blessing so you would think this would be no big deal for me. Maybe I should be used to being a grandmother by now. Well, I still feel like a new grandmother every day. I just love the sweet feeling of new born babies. They make my heart skip a beat. I have been planning a celebration for my readers just to welcome my new grandchild into the world. For the next few weeks I will have a few fun giveaways and just some all around baby fun stuff.
First today I am asking you to guess whether my new grand baby will be born with a full head of hair, no hair or a wisp of hair. I can give you a few hints.
Grand baby #1 Pumpkin

Grand baby #2 Pooh Bear

Grand baby #3 Little Bug

Grand baby #4 Sweet Pea 

So here is how it goes. Pumpkin and Sweet Pea are sisters. Pooh Bear is going to be a big brother to the new grand baby. Oh, by the way each of these pictures were taken a few days after the birth of each child. I know what you are thinking. Little Bug is not so little. He was born at 11 pounds on the nose. He was a home birth! Don't you just think they are so cute. Well, give it you best guess. New baby,  Full head of hair? No hair? Whisp of hair? No prize included in this guessing game. Just a little fun. Have a great weekend.


  1. Your Grandbabies are adoreable and I can't wait to see pictures of the new little one.

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  4. I am going to say a full head of hair...that's just based off of my past two experiences. lol

  5. I will guess a full head of hair. Congrats on the upcoming birth. Also, 11 pound home birth, wowsa! That is awesome :D

  6. Oh my goodness - you are so blessed with all those cute grand-babies! You are so lucky. And best wishes for your new one. sandie

  7. They are all so adorable! I'm going to say hair and lots of it :)

  8. I'll be the out man out and guess no hair :)
