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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Potty Training Adventure continues...

So on we go with our potty training adventure! We had a few bumps this week. Along with each bump in the road we had many more successes. My grandson is handling the potty like a pro when it comes to pooping in the potty. Any one who is in charge of changing diapers can attest to the fact it's much easier to clean up a poopy potty chair than to clean up a toddlers poopy bottom. The only time we put a diaper on my grandson is when he is napping or going to bed. So as far as we can see he is almost completely trained. This weekend we are going on a long trip. We are taking the potty chair with us in the car. When ever we stop to eat, stretch our legs, or get gas we will sit him on the potty. I don't expect any problems since he usually stays dry two or more hours at a time during the day.
Until next week. Wishing the best to all those who are working on potty training.



  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    I just finished potty training my 2.5yr old son. He still wears a pull-up at night because he is in our bed still. I stopped asking him if he needed to potty a couple months ago and he now tells me he has to go. No accidents during naptime (good thing since he naps on my couch).


  2. Thanks so much for stopping by and following the other day. I am following back. Have a great 4th of July!! :)

  3. Hi,thanks for the follow. I am following you back. Have a nice day.

  4. Following you!! ;) Thanks SO much for stopping by! Have a great day!

  5. Thanks for following from the thurs blog hop -- I'm following you now too! And thanks for your comments on my writing; means a lot, as my blogging is the first real writing I've done since the publication of my novels some years back.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you back! Great blog!

  7. Hi, Bonnie. I'm passing by and following you back from Tough Cookie Mommy. It is great to connect with you. I would love to network with you on Facebook too. You can find me there at http://facebook.com/toughcookiemommy

  8. I'm on that potty training adventure w/ my 2 yr old! Poopy on the toilet is no problem, its going pee pee on the toilet in time that has been our stumbling block!

    Hope you have a wonderful trip! Thank you for the follow!


  9. Your comment on my blog today about getting old almost made me pee my pants!! Which corresponds well with the potty training post! Hilarious.

  10. We are getting ready to potty train my son.

    Thanks for stopping by Nifty Mom. I am a follower :)

  11. I never thought about taking the potty on a trip. A great idea. Good luck with the trip and the training.

  12. oooh we have potty training in our future as well, your making it sound like a breeze!!! I can only hope!!!!

  13. This post made me smile. I sure remember the potty training days.. and yes, I would take cleaning the potty chair over a poopy diaper ANY day.
