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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another Week on the Potty Train

Our adventure continues. Pooh Bear has been a real trooper this week. His mother and I both think the end is in sight. I am so excited to see my grandson asking to use the potty to pee.  In fact a few times he actually only had to see the potty and decided by himself to sit down and go. There was also a time or two when  I just told him  " Why don't you go sit on the potty" and he just went over and sat on the potty with out any help. Up until this point it had been the normal to walk him over to the potty. Then sit him down to go pee. It is so nice with just a few reminders he is able to stay accident free all day.
Now our next step is to teach him how to get his pants down with out having an accident. While at home we have been leaving him with out pants. We just dress him in a long tee-shirt. This makes it easier for him to use the potty himself. It's hard for a toddler to pull down their pants and not pee at the same time. It takes a lot of coordination to wait and pee after the pants are down.
Pooh Bear has also decided all his little friends need to go potty too. So through out the day he sits his little friends on the potty. I think he is trying to potty train them.


  1. There are days when I fuss how quickly my kids have grown but I'll confess I certainly don't piss the potty days!!

    Following you back..thanks

  2. Aww that's so cute! I am so happy for him!!

  3. Hello, My son it's giving me such a hard time, he tells me "mommy I pee in my diaper , no toilet" LOL
    Oh boy....
    Dropping by Blog Hop, I'm your newest follower.

  4. Aww! The pics are so cute! :D

  5. how cute that he's potty training them! Thanks for linking up at Tuesdays Gone!
