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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Amazing Births of My Grandchildren!

So it is time for me to write a little about myself. First off if you have read my profile you know I am a mother of four wonderful grown children. I don't have any complaints about my children. I feel very blessed with how they all turned out to be very respectful and moral persons.
I am also a grandmother of four very adorable grandchildren. Two boys and two girls. The two girls are sisters, they would be Pumpkin and Sweet Pea. Pumpkin is 4 years old and Sweet Pea is 14 months old. My two grandsons are Pooh Bear and Little Bug. Pooh Bear is 20 months old and Little Bug is 15 months old.
As you all know I love my grandchildren dearly. what I have not told you is I was present at their births as a Doula. I became a doula when my daughter in law was pregnant with Pumpkin. I wanted to be there and assist her in any way that I could. Pumpkins mother was in labor for over 23 hours. All of her labor was natural she did not take any thing for pain and no epidural.
The next grandchild to be born was Pooh Bear. He was one of those babies who insisted on coming right now! Grandpa was driving to visit for the weekend. He wanted to see me (grandma) since I had been staying with my daughter waiting for her to go into labor. We informed him the baby would be coming soon and to drive straight through and meet us at the hospital. Pooh Bears birth was amazing while my daughter was just at the end of her labor the monitor went off and all these Doctors came running and one of the doctors told the nurse to shut off the pitocin. Was he surprised to hear her labor was all natural with no pitocin. We all decided Pooh Bear wanted to be born while grandpa was in town.
Little bug came next. Little Bug was a home birth. We had a midwife attend the birth. It was a great learning experience. If Little Bug had been born in a hospital setting he would have surely been born with a cesarean section. After his birth the midwife said he was weighed around ten pounds. So when we weighed him she was stunned to disbelief he was 12 pounds on the nose. Just to be sure we weighed him 3 different times.
Last came Sweet Pea. Her birth was very special also. I am not going to tell too much about her birth because I am sure Tootsabella and The Rose will want to tell you the whole story. I can say I was with my daughter in law when she was trying to start labor. She did not want to be induced so we talked to her midwife and got some tips and got her labor going.  When she was admitted into the hospital she birthed Sweet Pea in a birthing tub just one hour after arriving to the hospital.
Well that is enough about me and the grandchildren for now. I hope you all have a great week.
I would like to invite you all to stop over at Tootsabella and The Rose and give her a follow if you like She will follow back.
Bassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Blog Hop

bloghopbutterflybutton Terrific Thursday Blog Hop! Week 27



  1. Hello! I stopped by to say thank you for your sweet comments on my blog, and to follow on GFC...but I already follow your blog! So, I followed your daughter-in-law's blog! Sounds like you have wonderful grandchildren...and children.

  2. Beautiful births, how exciting you where able to be there for them! My sister-in-law gave birth Vaginally to an almost 13lber. Ouch. Haha. Sounds like you have a beautiful family.

  3. I used to work as a doula and loved every minute of it. I really would love to get back into it someday when my kids are grown.

  4. Oh my goodness, blessing on you for being a Doula and assisting with the birth of your grandkids. That's just so wonderful. I'm sure it was a lifetime experience. Wow, you're awesome. Besides being a great knitter. Love all those crafts you have on your Etsy store.
    Thanks for coming on over Espanol para Ninos (Spanish for Kids) and connecting via voiceBoks.
    Have a wonderful rest of the week,
    Español para Niños (Spanish for Kids)

  5. What a cute site you have! I'm following you back from the VB Hop. :) Thanks for visiting my site!

  6. Your grandbabies are precious and their birth stories are beautiful!

  7. Your grandchildren are sooo freakin cute! OMG I just wanna squish their yummy arms!! So cute!! Thanks for the follow, following back!

  8. Thanks for the follow. I'm also on vB, maybe we can connect over there, too!

    Full Cart Full Wallet


  10. Grand kids are the absolute best. My daughter in law used a midwife for her children, but she had them in a hospital. I was only in the delivery for one of my grand babies, I'm thrilled that you got to be there for all of yours.

  11. You know - I read this wonderful post, got distracted and went to Tootsabella and Rose, and completely forgot to follow you! ACK! I am back to get you followed. :-) Thanks so much for visiting my blog, your comment was appreciated.

  12. Hi Bonnie! I think it's awesome you have this site. Neither my mom or mother-in-law would ever be able to do this! Kudos to you! I'm awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award! You can see the details at www.mama-press.com. I chose you and 14 other sites to receive this, after receiving it myself. I hope you accept it!

  13. Thanks for this post. I was thinking about doing birth stories for each one of the girls on my blog. This is a nice preview. Congrats on the award!!!
