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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Toddler Tantrums

Grandma has a question.  What is up with these tantrums?
My grandson will be turning 22 months in a few days and he is starting to have tantrums. Pooh Bear is a great toddler. He has potty trained pretty easily. He eats well and until recently taken good naps. He is very friendly and loves to play with his cousins and knows how to gently pet animals.He listens well when given instructions. He is so full of laughter and happiness. He even has started to act silly to get laughs from his parents.
Why the tantrums?  When Pooh Bear has a tantrum at home we just pretty much ignore the tantrum unless he is being dangerous. What should we do in public? At this point we talk to him calmly and hold him the best we can. Then we leave the store as quickly as possible. The problem we are having is we can't always leave quickly. Pooh Bears mother and I just don't like the idea of being controlled to the point of drop everything and run to the closest exit. We don't like being the center of attention in the grocery store. I also hate to force everyone to have to listen to his high pitched screaming for the 30 minutes it might take to finish our shopping. I know there are many moms and dads who have this same problem. I have seen them in the store myself in very much the same predicament.  Advice is welcome on this subject.


  1. It's called the terrible twos! :) My daughter had horrendous tantrums, especially in stores, and didn't outgrow them until she was five! And she is now a sweet and lovely young woman. Hang in there!

  2. Good luck with it. It is hard sometimes. What helped me with my 2nd child was just understanding that it was a phase and in time it would pass (sometimes that doesn't come quick enough). Lucky boy to have you and Mum.

  3. The T2's from what I heard are not fun my little one seems to have started early but it is not tantrums as more as she is bored and just wants to leave and she will tell me I wanna go. I discipline the old fashioned way and so far except for a few exceptions it has worked. Hang in there. Following you back thank you so much for visiting my site...

  4. Oh My... this reminds me of a recent outing with our Grandson. We were in a restaurant and he didn't get his way about something and you would of thought we were beating him. The poor people who were trying to eat. If he were my child, he would of gone right out to the car to do his screaming..... but, I am not going to tell them how to raise their kids.

    We have decided instead of taking them out to eat, we will bring food over.

  5. I wish I had great advice but I am a newbie mother with *gasp* a two year old. I hate to say it but for now I ignore the tantrums because I think focusing on them provides more fuel.
    Thanks for following me from Monday Mingle! I look forward to getting to know your blog more!!!

  6. No advice as usual but I have a 19 month old so I am right there with you. I to make the b-line for the door. What do you do? Pray for patience is the best advice I have gotten so far, lol!

  7. I am thankful for having such patience and fast feet.

  8. Just wait until sweet little Pooh Bear turns 3! Oh my ha ha. I have my own way of dealing with Abby's tantrums which is somewhat different than her moms way in public.

  9. OH boy! I wish I had some advice. Let me know when you find something that works. My 3 year old is INSANE! Love him to death but he's nuts.

  10. I recently read an article explaining how around the ages of 2 the brain starts to develop the complex emotions. That's why 2 year olds are so emotional and the stage is deemed "the terrible twos." I don't have any great advice to deal with it other than just ignore it and get the job done. Other people need to realize that kids throw fits sometimes and it might be annoying but it won't hurt anyone. Parents can't just stay in the house and not buy the food and things they need just because their kid is screaming.

  11. My daughter is the same age and she is a mess. My older ones were never like this.

    Thanks for the follow, following back.

  12. Give him to mom and let grandma do the shopping! LOL

  13. I posted a few weeks back about stuff like this. I am a very harsh mom tho lol when my daughter throws a fit in the middle of the store I just say well your not having it and thats that dont come with me if your crying and I walk away... I dont get far adn she comes walking up to me sniffles and stops. No kid will let you get far. The thing is who cares what people think about you they are lying to themselves if they think you are horrible because they had the same thing when their kids were little. Every kid does it at one point or another and i just put my foot down because everyone needs food or clothes or whatever and that child needs to know you will not stand it in a public place.
    Thanks for coming over to Mommy2Nanny3Doggy1 and your kind words...

  14. Oh, do I know the feeling! I just wrote a blog post about this. Hope you can get something from it that works!


    Good luck!!!
