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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Nap Time Troubles

I really do like nap time. My grandson stopped his morning nap right after he turned one. It was sad to say good bye to his morning nap. But we all understood he was getting older and did not need all that sleep. He is now 21 months old and his afternoon nap is slowly fading away. He still naps most of the time but he has moved his nap to after 1pm. That is fine with me as long as he gets a nap I am happy. If he does not nap he is one crabby apple. Here is the problem.  Pooh Bear has started skipping his nap once or twice a week and this is really tough. The side affects are rotten!  First, the crankiness we can do with out. Second, mommy needs her quiet time and grandma needs her blog time! Third, when he misses his nap he wants to sleep by 6pm. We would not mind so much but that will throw off tomorrows schedule and he will wake up way to early! What's a grandma to do?  I am hoping we will find a solution soon. Any suggestions you have are very welcome.


  1. Oh.... Gosh!! When they get off their schedule, it can be rough on Mommy and GrandMa. Hope you can get him back on soon. Good Luck to you!

  2. Little Bit is an early to bed and early to rise sort of guy. He gets up by 7 and is asleep at night by 6:30. It really messes up our Bible study nights. Hubs and I have decided to attend different studies on different nights so that we can both go to one. He naps around 10am everyday but Monday and Tuesday. On those two days he goes out with Mom and Dad. He doesn't nap until 2-3 if he naps at all. It makes for a very grumpy Little Bit when he gets home on those days. I dread it but I don't have the heart to tell Mom and Dad they cant have him. I know that isn't anything practical for you but your not alone. If you figure out how a toddler ticks I think you could make some serious money ;D

  3. When Rose decides not to take her nap, I keep her up as long as possible. She gets really cranky but I just try to keep her busy. The earliest I let her sleep is about 8:00. I know that is late or normal for some people but I keep em up a little later because I need my morning sleep. We have a slightly different schedule than most people.

  4. Hope the little man gets back to a good sleeping schedule and you get some blogging time. Thank you for the visit to TheDedicatedHouse and your sweet comment! Hope you have a grand weekend! Tootles, Kathryn

  5. When Abby quit napping, she quit. I can't get her to nap for anything and then it's a chore to keep her awake until her bedtime (ohhh and she gets grumpy too). She wants to go to bed early but when we let her she is awake at 2 am. If you find a solution let me know.

  6. Nap transition times are always challenging! Scheduling chaos, cranky kids and cranky adults! But it will settle again soon.

  7. No suggestions, just found it so humorous...those little bodies control such a big part of our lives don't they! Good luck with a solution!

  8. i feel for you. my son's nap time has gone wonky recently + it actually spelled trouble for mommy. plus my blogging time really took the biggest blow..

    my son naps during his usual early afternoon nap time now + i am glad to have some time to bloghop. how long this lasts no one really knows..

    i guess it is just a phase, + your dear grandson will be napping as usual in due time...

    take care ;)

  9. thanks for the follow, great blog. oh nap time i wish my two still napped just so i could get things done..maybe instead of nap time do relaxing time. i make my boy lay down and watch a good educational movie or cartoon if i can find them..most the time they get so board they fall asleep..haha the trick i have...good luck.

  10. My 11 month old is trying to ditch the morning nap here lately as well, on the weekends at least. She'll take her morning nap during the week at daycare but you'd think I was trying to kill the child on the weekends when I start the nap time ritual. I really miss the days when we could just stick her in the swing and she'd go out like a light in 5 minutes!

  11. Is the nap time getting any better? I hope so!
