............................................Welcome To Grandma Bonnie's Closet.............................................

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Little Wordy Wednesday

 The weather was beautiful today so Pooh Bear and I went for a nice long walk. I have been itching to get out side and walk since last week. Pooh Bear was able to explore and found a puddle to enjoy like any small boy would do. He was so cute he politely ask "gama wadder" (translation: Grandma can I play in the water?)

This afternoon while Pooh Bear had a little nap I cooked up some brussel sprouts! Ya, I said brussel sprouts. I really do not like them but my son-in-law bought some and I had no clue what recipe would be something the family would like. So when I came across this recipe on Growing Old With Grace I knew I had to try it. They cooked up real nice and I did taste them. No, it did not change my taste for brussel sprouts but, I was able to eat a few. My son-in-law said they were awesome.

Last but not least I am participating in the 21 day weight loss challenge for bloggers. Please, keep me in your prayers. I really want to succeed. I do not really care if I win the challenge I just want to work on my health and flexibility. I think my biggest challenge will be not drinking diet coke and no chocolate.  If any of my blogging friends would like to join the challenge just let me know and I can hook you up with a free code to Dustin Maher's weight loss program and all the information to join the challenge. The winner of the challenge will gain a tremendous amount of exposure for their blog. If you would like more information on his program you can go to http://fitmomsforlife.com/ or check out my review here. I will be posting up dates as I work through the program. 


  1. I love brussel sprouts.. most times. Once in awhile I run onto bitter ones. Don't like those.

    Pooh Berar is adoreable.

  2. IThese photos are so cute, I love that hat and those boots on pooh bear.
    I would have gladly eaten your share of brussel sprouts ha. Yummy, I don't know why I don't cook them more often. LOL I had to laugh at Terry's comment, I have run into a few bitter brussel sprouts as well. Good luck with your 21 day challenge. If there is any way I can help you let me know (healthy recipes or anything).

  3. What a cutie! I agree with you on the Brussel sprouts. Yuck! I'll be keeping you in prayer during these 21 days!
