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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What to do about Santa?

When my children were small we decided to tell them about Santa when they began to get suspicious about the story.  After my oldest child figured out Santa was not real he immediately informed his siblings of this fairy tale. Sad to say Santa no longer came to our house at Christmas.
With our grandchildren now enjoying Christmas I am wondering how should the Santa story be approached? First do their parents keep the fairy tale going?  If they allow their Children to believe in Santa Claus. How old should a child be before they are told its all a fairy tale?


  1. Thanks for following me today from Follow Me, Chickadee Tuesdays.

    I am sad about this one. My son is in 1st grade and sometimes I think someone at school has already told him about it. I hope not but sometimes he just acts like he knows. I hope he doesn't tell his little sister and brother when he does find out. On the other hand, it would make it easier for me not trying to hide all of the gifts until Christmas Eve.

  2. I'm following you back! Although my daughter is just 7 months old now, my husband and I are already struggling with this! We want to be prepared.

  3. Tough stuff here.....On one hand a parent wants to keep the innocence of the season alive but what to do when/if the secret gets out. *sigh*

    Following you back from lil-LIZ-bits, lil-bits from my Homeschooling Navy Wife Life Mom-prenuer adventures. Love to see you on Facebook too!

  4. I have an 11 and 2 year old. I think the 11 year old knows, but I don't want to tell him until he flat out asks. The special thing about Christmas is the magic of "believing" and the understand that the "gift" of Christmas is the Christ child. He is the one gift that was given to all of us, including Santa!

    I think when you tell a child before he or she asks you about it, you do them a disservice and they quickly loose the magic of the true Christmas spirit!

  5. I've been honest with my daughter from the very beginning and she has always refused to believe me! I don't know if she just doesn't want Santa to stop coming or if she really just has that much Christmas spirit.
    As a kid, we still got gifts from Santa, even when the truth was known. Eventually, we were just getting stuffed-to-the-brim stockings from Santa, and that is still the case even though we are all grown. :)

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm your follower now too! :)

  7. Im now follwing you back from Follow me chickadee.

  8. I found you on one of the blog hops and I'm your newest follower. My 9 yr old son just asked about Santa this year and of course I didn't lie to him, just told him the truth. Asked him to help keep the secret from other little kids and he was happy to be a BIG kid now! LOL!

  9. We have 5 kids and in a range that obviously the oldre ones could ruin it for the younger ones if they chose.
    I taught our girls that Santa is real...as real as you would like him to be. Giving without the expectation of anything in return other than happiness is being santa. You don't even get the thank yous and your so wonderful for getting me this! All you get is to absorb some happiness. So when my girls started questioning Santa, I told them that he is as real as they want him to be. There is a history to the legend amd fairy tale...but they can carry on the tradtion by being santa to others. By doing this they not only want their younger siblings to believe, the encourage it and have fun playing along. Not to mention have given gifts they bought with their own money to not only their siblings but to other less fortunate people as Santa.
    Thanks for following me at Teens and a Toddler. I am following you back now.
