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Monday, August 22, 2011

Guest Post: Halloween is Coming

I am happy to have my daughter-in-law from  Life with Tootsabella and The Rose guest posting here at Grandma Bonnie's Closet. I hope you enjoy her post. Please stop over and check out her newest post.

Halloween is coming...

I have visited many stores lately and have noticed Halloween is making it's way to them earlier than usual. Halloween is a really good simmer down from the Summer.  It's my family's favorite time of the year because there is so much going on and it's a good lead to the holidays. I have included some great costume ideas and if you have a baby handy, a great big pumpkin photo idea. 
Prima Ballerina 

Princess Belle
Parading Pirate

Rainbow Chick
Cheerleader and Princess Aurora
Snow White
Princess Aurora, Giddy up Cowboy, Space man, Princess Jasmine
Precious Peaock
Darling Dorothy
Baby in Pumpkin Photo prop idea.


  1. Oh my goodness! Your grandchildren are beautiful!!! so adoreable, I remeber those days when my girls were that age. It was never a dull moment. Iam officially following your blog. Please feel free to check mine out at www.reallife-mythreegirls.blogspot.com

  2. I am so happy to guest post on your blog! Thanks. It turned out so cute! I hope this will give some people some good ideas for the spooky day. I stopped in Children's Place today and they have some really cute costumes. I can't wait for Halloween. yay. Have a good time on your travels too.

  3. So adorable!

    Thanks for stopping by! I'm a follower :)

  4. Cute idea. I always loved coming up with costumes for my kids. They are a bit too old now.

  5. I love that peacock costume. Think my 2 1.2 year old would wear that??

  6. Such fun costume ideas!! Little Dorothy is my favorite! Glad you stopped by so we could met! I clicked the follow button too :)

  7. How sweet!

    I couldn't believe when I did some back to school shopping and the stores were carrying costumes already. I guess it's almost time for the Christmas decorations to go up at the rate the stores are going :-)

  8. What precious angels!

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog! I'm following you now too!


  9. thanks for visiting my blog!
    i'm off to explore yours!
    i'd love if you entered the giveaway at love notes!
    {love} lauryn @ lovenotesbylauryn.blogspot.com

  10. Oh my goodness they are just adorable in their costumes. I haven't even thought about Halloween so I'm glad to see this post to remind me I need to be looking for Abby something to wear.

  11. Love the baby in the pumpkin! I'll have two grandbabies by Halloween, so I better start planning!

  12. Oh I am super excited for Halloween also! Seeing the kids in costume is the best :) Thanks for stoppin by my little blog...

    Ps. I have a Grandma Bonnie (she is my fav) and so when I saw your comment I thought Oh good she figured out how to look at my blog! lol


  13. Very Cute~ I noticed the other day that there was Halloween items out on the shelves. I have to admit Halloween has always been my favorite holiday- As my children got older and quit going trick or treating it was pretty sad for me. Now my oldest grand child thinks he will not be going with me this year :( All though I reminded him that he promised he would ALWAYS go with me-he is entering the 6th grade this year and grandma is falling to the way side.-Sorry I wrote a book! Stop by and say hi sometime

  14. I am SOO excited for Halloween. My favorite time of the year :)

    Coley @

  15. I love doing Halloween costumes for my kids. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about it this early. :)

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog. Following you too. :)

  16. Great post! I miss Halloween and wonder if my kids will grow up without it (it's not huge here) and it saddens me. I guess I will have to sneak them home once a year. Thanks for visiting my blog! Following you back and can't wait to see what else you come up with.

  17. What an adorable bunch. Soooo cute. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  18. This post is so smile inducing! CUTIES! It took me a while (I have a 14 month old at home who is a handful) to comment back. I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog via vb.

  19. Just taking another peek at these adorable costumes. I've still got to figure out what kind of costume to buy Abby. She might just wear her costume from last year which was big on here and still fits her.

  20. Some of these costumes are so cute! Halloween, much like CHristmas, seems to creep up on us earlier every year. It's the biggest market for costume shops so it doesn't really surprise me that much.
