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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Not About Anything.

We all find some time in our day where we just don't know what to do first. What I mean is my list of want to do and need to do is so long I can not decide what I should put on hold and what I should attend to right now. I am sure you all know what I am talking about. I have gotten to the point today to just give up on my list and just blog a little and take a break from everything! I am going to pick a movie on Hulu (which I have not done in months) pop some popcorn and relax!!!  Hope you all enjoy your evening.


  1. I can say something that almost every blogger can confirm.It si not party everyday in our kitchen or wharever wwe write about.That we don't feel always up to it is understandable and noone will judge us for that.Thank God we are human .Enjoy your movie and your time;))

  2. I gave up with the lists, they don't fly with me. Doing the 'live-saving' things and adding whatever I feel like doing seems to work best for me.
    I hope you are having a great weekend. :-)

  3. awww have fun :)
    Em your new follower :)
    love x

  4. Sometimes, you just need to take a break. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog! Following back! If you ever interested in advertising or doing a giveaway/review for your store, pls email me at dentistmel@hotmail.com. Txs. Will be starting advertising next week and prices are good.

  6. Every time I make a list, I put it somewhere and then I can't find it. I figure, things will get done when they get done. Hope you enjoy your movie and the popcorn.

  7. I love hulu days here. We watch movies on there too. I hope you enjoyed your time.

  8. Excellent idea! I stop once a day and just relax and regroup! It's something we smart grandmas have learned...lol

  9. I know what you mean! Every Sunday is my kick back day to just relax and do what ever I don"t want to do!
