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Sunday, January 29, 2012

I am Totally Tickled Pink

I have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award from  Totally Terri!! You should stop by her blog and say hi. I get a lot of my blogging inspiration from both Terri's Blogs. Terri's Little Haven and Totally Terri.
I like the girly colors Terri created! What do you think?
Versatile Award Versatile AwardVersatile Award

This is what I need to do. * Thank the person that nominated their blog for the award with a backlink to them.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Terri!!!
* List 7 things about my self. 
1. I love, love, love my grandchildren.
2. I know how to drive but, I do not drive except in emergencies. ( fear of driving)
3. I do not wear make-up.
4. I assisted in my grandchildrens births as a doula. My dream someday is to practice as a lay midwife.
5. I love to paint and draw.
6. I color my hair.
7. The way to my heart is chocolate.

* Lastly Award 15 newly discovered blogs with the award and tell them of the award.


  1. You deserve the Versatile award!! Woo hoo. It was cool reading your 7 things. I love chocolate too. Yummy.

  2. You deserve the Versatile award!! Woo hoo. It was cool reading your 7 things. I love chocolate too. Yummy.

  3. Congratulations to yuo!!!

    I am right there with you on number 6 and I need to buy another bottle.

  4. I am with you on number 7!!!!!!!!!


  5. Love #2 and #3! It's such fun reading little tid-bits about you! Thanks for passing it on! Happy Monday!

  6. Great list Ms. Bonnie! I had a fear of driving while I was pregnant with Little Bit. I still dislike it but force myself to do it out of necessity. I live in the boonies ;D
