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Thursday, February 20, 2014

DIY: American Girl Doll Jean Skirt

Over the holidays my granddaughters received two American Girl dolls.

While they were thrilled with their dolls they wanted some special outfits to change their dolls into. Of course mom and grandma wanted to oblige and buy them tons of those cute name brand American Girl Doll clothing. Haha, have you seen the price of those outfits? What's a grandma to do? I figured how hard can it be to sew doll clothing? I jumped on line and searched for free 18" doll clothing patterns. I found lots of nice little pattern to print off and make affordable American Girl Doll Clothing at about the cost of printer paper. First I found a wrap skirt pattern here. I printed that pattern off and found an old pair of jeans for the fabric. I am always finding ways to recycle so this was a no brainer.
I cut the pattern pieces out and placed them carefully over parts of the jeans that did not have paint on them. This piece needed to be on a fold.
I then pinned the pieces together. Stitched the sides.
Press the seams open. It will lay neatly that way.
I then stitched the hem.
At this point I deviated from the instructions. I had some fold over elastic from an other project that I felt would make the skirt waist band simple to complete. I stitched the elastic along the top stretching the elastic just a bit. 
Finally, I added a bit of Velcro for fasteners. This will make it easy for little fingers to dress her doll with out help.

Two wrap jean skirts ready to go. I will be making a few other pieces this week as I do I will share them with you. 
I hope you all are staying warm while Mother Nature keeps sending all this snow. 


  1. You did a great job on those skirts. You really need to sell them, those turned out so cute. And,.. I have seen the prices of those things. Highway robbery is what it is.

  2. Oh how awesome. Thanks for sharing, I just bought a sewing machine today and haven't a clue how to sew. I hope I can make the girls some skirts for their dolls by following your instructions!!

  3. How neat... My mother used to sew for me ---and MANY of my clothes growing up were hand-made by her. I never learned to sew --even though they gave me a sewing machine when I went to college... Mom 'tried' --but I wasn't interested. I wanted to be outside playing Cops and Robbers. ha ha

    Your granddaughters will love the new 'wrap' skirts ..... Bet you will make lots more clothes for those baby dolls.


  4. They look awesome. I just received a sewing machine as a gift and I can't wait to learn how to use it.
