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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Potty Training Update.

I wrote earlier how my daughter started elimination communication with my grandson around his first birthday.  Once my grandson saw that he peed in the potty, he HAD to every time he sat on the potty. He is very motivated and loves seeing the outcome...pee in the potty. My daughter puts him in big boy underwear during the day. At nap and bedtime he wears a diaper(he wakes up dry, but needs to sit on the potty soon after waking or else he'll have a wet diaper). She also puts him in a diaper when they leave the house.

At 17 months old he was having around 1-2 accidents(we really dislike to use this word) every few days. Now, at 18 months old he tells us when he needs to poop. Pee on the other hand has been a little more work. Once he realizes he needs to go...he needs to go NOW. So at home 95 % of the time he makes it, but if he is outside it becomes harder.

Today was his first official trip (besides the park) in big boy underwear. We went to the mall to pick up some shoes for him. Before we left my daughter put him on the potty. About 30 minutes later we arrived at the mall and put him straight to the potty. Before leaving we asked him if he needed to go and he said no so off we went. He did really well, and stayed dry the whole time.

My daughter was very hesitant to begin taking him out in regular underwear, but after the success today she will definitely be taking him out in underwear from now and on.

I will update next week on his progress.


  1. This is really great. My son was harder to potty train than my daughter. My daughter only wet in her pants once and she was mortified and never let it occur again. My son was a different story. He is 28 and is perfectly trained by now. LOL
    I enjoyed coming over to met you and am following back via GFC

  2. oh wow...we are almost at 3 years old and at about the same point...though victoriously happy that it is happening! Bring on the underwear! Now for baby #3...

  3. That is very impressive...my kids were just over 3 before they wanted to do anything with the potty.

    Thanks for stopping by to say hi tonight. :)

  4. A life without changing diapers sounds like bliss :-)

    Found you through the Thursday hop and am now following you on GFC. I hope you can follow back also; I'd appreciate it so much ;-) Have a lovely day!

  5. Thanks for following me I am now following you back

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  7. that's great...18 mos, wow! my son was the opposite...he's pee, but wouldn't poop. he's 3 now and out of diapers, but still needs them overnight.

    following thru cup of joe hop :)

  8. Hi, thanks for joining our blog hop today. I dropped by to say hello and to follow you.

    Wow! My daughter was 3 before she was trained. I'm impressed!

  9. My daughter struggled a bit with potty training our grandson. But he wanted those big boy undies pretty badly, so with time and patience all went well. Happy to hear the same is true with your grandson. Hugs my friend!

  10. Hopefully one day I'll have grandchildren to write about. For now it's just dogs. congratulations! You've won the Hol-ee Roller doggie ball that you entered for at All Things Dog Blog. We'll ship it to you with a few other surprises on either Monday or Friday, depending on when we get your address. Send it to AllThingsDogBlog@gmail.com. Thanks again for visiting http://www.AllThingsDogBlog.com. Happy tails!

  11. Hey you won our small token from Haiti email me with your mailing info to adrianairis (at) comcast (dot) net
    thanks so much ofr being a part of the heart of Haiti.

  12. Thank you for all your comments. It is so wonderful to hear that we are not alone in the potty training efforts.

  13. Thats wonderful! Hopefully I will have the same success when it comes time to potty train my daughter.

    Following back from the hop! Thanks for becoming a follower at www.mommydigger.com

  14. Hello! I'm following back :) I have a 9 month old (my first) and wonder when and how potty training will go...

  15. Hi Grandma Bonnie,

    I'm a new follower via Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop.

    Thank you for joining my support team! I'm currently potty training my one year old daughter Miney, and my technique has always been to let em roam free and nekkid during the day (t-shirt & socks optional) and let her accompany me on my frequent trips to the bathroom. I don't push the potty on her, just let her see going to the potty as a normal part of the day.

    It started out as a free for all, she went on the rugs, carpets, sofa, beds, chairs, etc. Week two found her going into the bathroom to go on the rug, side of the tub, corner by the toilet.

    Success! She at least knows where to go when she has to go! Week 3 begins today.
