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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Potty Training!

The time has come to start potty training my grandson. With two more grandchildren ready to start potty training in just a few weeks.  I am hoping the journey will be smooth. My daughter started doing elimination communication with him around his first birthday. It has gone very well and he caught on quickly. He is very interested in the potty and goes every time he sits on one.

I have been reflecting on my potty training experiences with my children. I was blessed with children that were very easy to train. I have to admit I did not have any struggles with this experience. I am not sure why! I just know that some parents have at least one or more problems while potty training.  So now that I am helping my children potty train their children I am not much help when issues arise.

The good news is there is much more help and information out their for all the problems that may arise as we make this journey together.

Any suggestions my readers have on this subject are very welcome.


  1. Following back from blog hop. I am starting to potty train my daughter too. Good luck!

  2. Oh I don't want to think about potty training! I think I may actually have blanked that whole time out!!!

    Just stopped by from Friday’s blog hop. I’m following you now and hope you’ll stop by my blog sometime too! Have a lovely weekend.
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. Both my children were so hard! My son had medical problems and all tho he wanted to use the potty it wasn't always possible. My daughter however she just didn't care for it... I got so fed up I just took her diapers threw them away and said to bad for you! then i brought her to the potty every hour the first day every 2 hours for a couple days then every 3 hours for 3 weeks and it was over... it was easy once I got it going...

    I am having a weekend long give away with over 10 prizes (being posted every couple hours threw out the weekend) Hope you can follow back :)

  4. Thanks for the follow. I am following back. I am a grandma also to 13 and # 14 due in August! Love it!

  5. You might be the potty whisperer. I'm on my fourth round of potty training and I feel like a rookie every single time. I'll be following along and hoping learn some great tips


  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following you back!



  7. Thanks for stopping by, I'm new follower. Good luck with the potty training. I'm going through the same thing.

  8. Hi Ms. Bonnie, thanks for visiting, following back atcha. I was blessed with two tots that did not give me a hard time during their potty training too. Goodluck on your grandson.

  9. Wow, that's a really huge life change. That's really awesome of you to take on a baby full-time. I'm your newest follower from the blog hop! Please swing by my blog if/when you have a chance, I would love a follow back! And if you have a Twitter, I'd love to be friends on there as well. Take care! www.shelbylately.com & @shelbylatelycom

  10. I had one easy to train and one that wasn't so easy but that's more due to the fact she has so many other problems. I checked out your "other projects" I love the dress, hat and bloomers. So cute. I'm a new follower from Thursday's Friends Cafe Blog Hop. I love the photo in your header, too cute. I hope you will follow me back http://talesfrommyjournal.blogspot.com I can be found in facebook too http://www.facebook.com/DeniseMartin.LillaRose and twitter @DeniseLillaRose If you like/follow me there I will do the same for you. When you stop by my blog, please check out my kind of fashion (hair jewelry).
