............................................Welcome To Grandma Bonnie's Closet.............................................

Monday, August 6, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

I want to apologize for not being able to visit your blogs lately. I promise life will soon slow down here at Grandma Bonnie's Closet and I will pay each of you a long visit. I will catch up with all your posts soon. In the mean time I hope you have patience with me. Thanks a million.
Here is just a little of what I have been up to lately.  After my new grandson was born I finally moved home. At least for now. I started to get my house back in order and to work in my flower beds. I few days after arriving home my granddaughters arrived a week early. I will be keeping them a little over two weeks. A few days after my granddaughters arrived my grandson Pooh Bear and his new brother came for a two week visit. We do have a house full at this time. Little Bug has also been over a few times. We had a sleep over in the living room for all the grandchildren. Keep in mind three out of five of our grandchildren are two years old. Now if you know what a two year old can be like you can imagine what my days have been like. I am having a blast though and I want to say I would keep each and every one of them any time. They are all a blessing to have around even with all the little temper tantrums and so forth. Well, I have got to get back to the babies. Enjoy a few of our recent memories. I hope you are all having a great week.


  1. Your days are full!! I know what my day is like with 1 -2 year old, oh my! ;) It sounds like you all are having a great time. Don't worry about the "Blog world" enjoy those grand babies!

  2. I know exactly what you are talking about being busy. This summer has been one of the busiest I can remember.... or maybe it is because I am getting older and do everything in slow speed.

    Baby wants your camera doesn't he?

  3. Awe those pictures explain it all - don't worry we have all been in the same boat. sandie

  4. Oh what great pics! You really have been busy but I bet it is so much fun having them all there!

  5. I'm amazed you had enough time to write this post! I think all Mommy and Grandmommy bloggers can agree that our little blessings come first. Glad to hear you've been so blessed lately! Enjoy yourself :D

  6. Just stopping in to say Hello! I know you are busy and just wanted to say Hi...

  7. I've been absent for quite awhile and hopefully I'll be getting back into the 'groove' soon. I love this sweet post of yours. Grandkids are a delight and I'm sure your pool is the favorite place for all of them. HUGS and wishing you lots of fond memories!

  8. Please don't worry about visiting, just enjoy those babies and your time at home. I've been having so much fun settling in here since moving back. I told my kids if they have us any more grands they would have to either move next door or make other arrangements for child care in the future ha. We now have three living close by, I am praying the opportunity will come for the other two but I don't think that is likely to happen. Their mommy and daddy really love the area they live in.
    Have an awesome time and visit. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm back from vacation (with sun poison).
