............................................Welcome To Grandma Bonnie's Closet.............................................

Monday, August 27, 2012


We are still pretty busy around here. I have tried to visit my favorite blogs. If I missed you I am sorry. I will be catching up soon I do hope. Here are a few more pictures to pass the time.

Here is how our day went.
Little Bug: "Grandma I am wet!"
Grandma: "Are you finished playing with the water?"
Little Bug: "No!"
Grandma: "Then just play I will change you when you are finished."
Little Bug:"No, no,no!! Change shirt now!"
We went through four outfits in a matter of two hours. What's a grandma to do?

Little Bug has taken up photography. I am sharing a few of his shots today. Lol, he is just great.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.


  1. These photos of and taken by, Little Bug, are so cute. He's going to be a star photographer one day :)

  2. Awe look how little their feet are and think of how much more they have to grow. sandie

  3. Little Bit is the same way. He hates being dirty or wet. Silly boy :D Changing him is much better than letting him be grumpy :D

  4. Hahahahaha.... his pictures look better than lots of mine end up.

  5. Haha, four outfits in 2 hours! Sounds like something my 2 year old granddaughter would do. She loves playing in water but hates getting her clothes wet! Go figure :)
