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Monday, November 19, 2012

CD: I Like to Sing!

By: Sukey Molloy

By now everyone who reads my blog regularly knows how much I like music by Sukey Molloy. The CD "I Like to Sing" is no exception. I have found it to be just as entertaining and soothing to my grandchildren as all Sukey's other music.
I am a believer in exposing children to music early in life. It can be used as an important learning tool in the everyday life of a child. Music can also be used to sooth an irritated, ill, unhappy or frightened child. As I have mentioned in the past I like to play music to my grandchildren when we are driving long distances.  My grandchildren can get very cranky on long road trips. Who can blame them? When they are strapped down and can not move easily they get very uncomfortable. We do stop often for short breaks and at least take a hour long break every 3 or 4 hours. But all breaks considered they need soothing music to keep them relaxed and happy for most of our trips. I like to use upbeat music when everyone is awake or needs motivation. Then I use soft and calming music (example: lullabies) for nap time or cranky times.
Why do I like Sukey's music so much? Well, not all children's music is made the same. I need to understand the lyrics that are being played with the music. How many times have you listened to music on the radio and thought you knew the words. Maybe you were singing along with a song and had to find out later that you misunderstood the lyrics! Have you ever listened to a song that you understood only a word or two of the lyrics. Maybe the entire song sounded like mumbo jumbo! I want my children and grandchildren to speak clearly and be understood. If they are listening to music that is not clear how can I expect them to speak clearly.
Sukey Molly's music is great in this respect. The lyrics are clear, easily understood and just out right fun for my grandchildren.
On to the CD. "I Like to Sing!"  Has a collection of 18 lively tracks. This CD actually had my grandchildren bobbing their heads, clapping their hands and singing along to these very interactive songs. My favorite is track 8 "What Kind of Animal." I just love hearing my grandchildren singing along wanting to be monkeys.
From familiar songs like "The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle to interactive songs like Jump Down Turn Around your child/grandchild will be sure to find a favorite song to sing along with.
This CD would definitely make a great stocking stuffer for your young child.
To purchase a CD, DVD or just listen to some of Sukey's music go here.
I received the above mentioned CD in exchange for an honest review. 


  1. I think I may have heard of that and I love it. sandie

  2. That is so neat!!!! We were always a very musical family---and there was always some kind of music going on, almost all day long. Glad your grandchildren love to sing... It's just so important in life I think!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. My Grandson would really like this one. He loves to sing... and dance while he sings.

  4. I also see she has an I am Sleepy one that would be great for bedtime.
