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Friday, July 12, 2013

Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided Grandma Bonnie's Closet with a free sample of this product to review. I was was not required to review this product unless I chose to do so. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review of this product.

I have read the name Tropical Traditions over and over while reading my favorite blogs. I use coconut oil often for my cooking needs. I just had never tried Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. I realize  I am always slow to try a new product but when I do I like to dig deep and read all I can about the product. This product was no different. I read many reviews before I decided to try this Coconut Oil for myself.
What I learned in my research of this product is amazing. Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is handcrafted in the Philippines by families using traditional methods passed on from past generations. This coconut oil is not highly processed bleached coconut oil but rather traditionally handmade. The oil is GMO free and USDA Certified Organic.

Over the summer months I do a lot of frying and grilling. I like to cook with healthy oils. We switched from using store brand vegetable oil (soybean oil) to using Coconut Oil for our frying needs about two years ago. I am now happily switching to Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil because of their production methods. I like knowing I am taking care of my family's health in the best way possible.
The video below explains how Tropical Traditions makes their famous Coconut Oil.

The above pie crust was made using Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. I replaced the butter in the recipe with coconut oil. This pie was a hit with our entire family.
What oils do you cook with? Do you have a favorite oil for frying?


  1. I haven't ever used coconut oil, but will try it sometime... We use olive oil most of the time these days...

    Have a great weekend.

  2. I use and love Tropical Traditions. I have used their coconut oil for years for healing and cooking.

  3. I am with you and Terry - now that I have tried Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil - I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sandie

  4. That pie looks so good!!! I am heading over to have some with you. LOL... someday when I am in your area, we are going to meet.
