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Monday, July 15, 2013

Weed Free Garden Follow-Up

I know a few of my readers have been waiting to see how my Weed Free Raised Garden Bed has been doing. Although I was skeptical I had hoped it would remain weed free through the summer. I have some good news and some bad news. 
Everyone wants the bad news first right? There are weeds in my garden bed. Not many but there are weeds. That is too bad but now for the good news! I am pleased to say even though there are weeds in my garden the weeds I found have not come up through the ground. The weeds I see have most likely gotten there by wind and critters. These weeds are easy to pull and require hardly any effort to remove. 
Weeds and grass growing by our cucumber plants.
My tomato plants a few weeds around them. 
These are a few of the weeds I pulled. I was able to pull roots and all with very little effort. 
Although the weed free part was a little disappointing, over all I am fairly satisfied with this garden method. I have spent very little time weeding. I believe at this point weeding frequently before the roots of weeds take a strong hole is my best bet. I hope to update again in the fall. 
Readers do you have weeds in your garden? How is your garden growing? I would love you to share your favorite garden tips in the comments? Thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. Well you sure have a lot less weeds than I do. I have a hard time keeping up with the weeds I have been getting.

  2. Well---you win some and you lose some. I think that weed-free is virtually impossible. YES---we have weeds... As hard as we work, they stay ahead of us! Our neighbor uses a lawn service and they spread GOBS of mulch on his beds. BUT--the weeds even come up there.

    Glad your raised bed is doing okay regardless of a few weeds.

  3. We don't have a garden this year. It seems like your method is still great even with the few weeds.

  4. I think we are going to tackle the garden weed problem next year. As of right now, they are overtaking the garden. But for us, we happy to report a backyard lush in grass from seed we planted this year! YAY!

  5. I'm terrible at gardening but I have been trying to spruce up the garden in my front yard. These are some great ways to keep everything growing and not allow weeds to take over the whole garden.

  6. I am terrible at gardening but I have been trying to spruce up the garden in my front yard. These are some great tips for keeping everything growing and minimizing the weeds so they don't take over the garden.

  7. I gave up on weeding my garden. When I went on vacation, the weeds got away from me and I haven't caught up yet. Next year, I am planting everything in pots.

  8. I have a small raised bed herb garden and it really has helped to reduce the weeds.

  9. So it was almost weed free. Great! I did want to know how it all turned out and it seems liked it did really well. Awesome!

  10. Thats really good - you can't help ones that have been planted from the wind or animals, the fact they aren't coming through the ground is wonderful :) x

  11. I have always wanted a herb garden in my backyard, but I would probably fight weeds more than worth it-thanks for the tips. Maybe I can use it for our whole yard!

  12. I'm sure if I had a garden mine would be full of weeds! lol I wish I had space to garden, I keep seeing everyone posting about their lovely gardens from this summer and it makes me jealous. Maybe one day when I live in a house :)

  13. I'm sure if I had a garden mine would be full of weeds! lol I wish I had space to garden, I keep seeing everyone posting about their lovely gardens from this summer and it makes me jealous. Maybe one day when I live in a house :)

  14. My son wants to grow a garden and we are planning a raised box garden. Your garden looks great

  15. Well even though the theory was a little disappointing it still probably worked better than nothing. We zeroscaped our front yard 2 years ago and the weeds still find a way through the fabric stuff that we laid on top of the ground. I don't know if there really is such a thing as completely weed proof.

  16. I don't have a garden but if I did, it would have weeds, LOL. Yours looks terrific and I hope you are able to harvest a lot of tasty treats from it.

  17. Your garden is beautiful! I also have a garden bed, well 2 of them but only one is really working out this year. I also have lots of tomatoes :D

  18. Okay I so have to do this! Our garden looks horrible!!

  19. Weeds happen! I try and try to keep weeds away, but somehow they pop up. Your garden looks great.!

  20. Oh wow! That is pretty amazing. I love how easy the weeds were to pull up, root and all! That's so amazing to see, especially a cool idea for my mom - who loves gardening, but is ... ahem, getting older. =P
